


First thing first, like I said in the previous post that I will share the photos of my activity at SMPIT Aulady which is sharing, 


Unfortunately, my phone (which has the photos) is currently under maintenance. It has been always like that : My phone breaks every time I really do not want him to break. I should more call him hellphone instead of cellphone...

That is, why, this post will discuss how I hate my hellphone.

---How Much Gian Hate his Phone---

Very much.

Like, every time I wake up, I always look for him, I really care about him. Even though I already set alarm on him every 4a.m, I usually wake up earlier just to open the alarm app and say,

"It's okay babe, you don't have to wake me up, you can sleep for now and I'll wake you up around 6a.m"

I always expect answers like "Thank you honey" or "Thanks for not tickling my snooze button, you'll always be my honey".


but things just go different. he always replies me with "You got a message from facebook.com"
or sometimes, "Your book order shipping from amazon.com is delayed".


"Enough! listen, I don't give a shit about facebook.com or amazon.com, I just want to be with you! your my phone, we work together as one, are you even listening to me?"

*tenong* *you got a message from facebook.com*

"Please, honey, don't make me throw you again. I need you to call my friends and my fami-"

*tenong* *tenong* *you got a message from facebook.com*

"So, fine then, we are done. No more of gian-and-his-phone.  you can search for another human being that will take of you better than I do. just forget all about us and what we've done. I know I will miss you a lot in the future, but we're done. I hope you can-"






So, I haven't post anything for like 4 days. Probably because the two previous posts made me kind of bored to make a new one. But nevermind, worry no more for I'm writing this post! 


Oh yeah, and, tomorrow, I'm going to have a sharing at SMP Aulady IT, like, giving material about abroad study life and hacks.. So, wish me luck (hahah), and, I'll post the photos and other shits maybe a day after or two.

Lazily, that's it for this post. Thank you, and, keep living!


A Touch of Wisdom

When there existed the word "Wealthy"
another words "Poor", "Miserable", and "Needy" followed up. 
A bunch of other names invented, another bunch of the opposite names 
depressingly followed up as well.

Sometimes most people just say,
 "Well, I worked my ass of for this money, why should I share?"
While some others moaned,
"How can I work without a penny for my pathetic breakfast?"

A little boy came out from his dusty house,
and realized
"Why fathers slam their bone for money,
 and use the money to cure themselves for working hard?"
"Why mothers sit in their living room, counting some numbered-little-papers called money,
and they just complain, for they need more papers to count?"

"Frankly, we can live happy without desire!",
said the black-cloaked wise man behind the mirror

"But, how? Please tell me, dear wise man!",
begged the young worker next door
The wise man took his cigarette, and burnt it with his lighter
Suddenly, a cloud full of smoke blew out the whole room
"Perish! Perish out to your heaven of precious machines and factories!"
shouted the wise man
"Pray for your gold, and try to live no more!"
The wise man slammed the door as the crowd danced in tears


A Simple Logic


I'll tell you something that will, at least, affect your lunatic lifestyle.

Consider it or not : Nowadays, how many books you read a week will change someone's perception about you, more than how many photos you upload to social media will ever does.

However, you can also disagree to the statement above, of course.
(if you do, you can send to my email about why, and we can have fun debating hahah :D)

Well, sadly enough, because this article is supposed to discuss about how (most) teenagers in this era are talented enough to change their social media's profile pict rapidly in a day. For article that discusses about books, perhaps I can go for it later...

I mean.. hell why?

posting many photos or changing your ava in social medias many times does not really crack up someone's (probably your crush) view about you. They won't possibly be like, 

"O shit she changed her profile pict into her photo of her tongue, licking her chin! maybe her father is a molecular biology professor and she must be an intelligent chin-licking chick..."


Let's do the math. 
Taking camera from the bag or phone from our pocket costs 2 seconds. 
Turning it on costs 3 seconds. 
Searching for good position to take photo costs 5. 
Looking after the photo costs 5. 
Realizing how good or bad the photo was costs 10 (cancelling and taking again the photo is included)
Posting it or setting it as profile pict costs 10.
In total we have 35 seconds....

It's at least 35 seconds! AT, freaking, LEAST!
Come on guys, I don't think nowadays teenagers can analyze how good or bad their photo was for only 10 seconds-______-

PS : 35 seconds = 0.583... minutes

Right now I don't really care about someone else's opinion, but, I do think that a young lady who constantly post photos of her selfie every freaking 15 seconds of her valuable life, sucks. (this also applies for young males, worse). Think about it. we can spend our free time doing something else worth to spend our time for! Example :

1. Instead of #SELFIE time, we can do #DRINKIE time. Drinkie time is a range of time where you can drink anything you want to drink! you can make fresh juices or smoothies or even just pour a cup of fresh mineral water to drink for. Your stomach, or at least your tongue and lips will give you such appreciation of their master's splendid concern about their moisture...

2. Do some physics. No, not physics like physical activities or PE or something. it's just pure physics! I mean, come on guys, we have to know how earth can pull our underwear when it's too loose, or how trampoline can throw our little sister away a distance from the center of the earth.

3. Play Sudoku. Although it might waste your time if you play it for hours, but try to solve the advanced level of sudoku can help your brain to stretch up for a while.

4. Realizing of how small your biceps are. This is important for your future. a big-armed employee kind of look sexier. 

5. Do some workouts for your biceps. the previous tips was just realizing, not working them out.

6. Spend time with your lovely family. I know this sounds mainstream and ostentatious, but spending a worth five seconds to kiss your mother on her cheeks or hug your father after he arrived home, or even just sharing your unlucky day with your little sister, those activities turned out to to be much greater than staring at camera for nothing...

My lovely folks, we can all together quote, that, time is money. So please, use it for good. I know that captain hook has only one real foot, and the stars in the sky look like morning cereal, and a facial tissue becomes hopeless when we flush it with apple juice. But please, use your time for good. I beg you...

See ya in the next post :)


A New Page of The Same Book...



Heeey again!

*cough* *cough*

So, it has been a freaking long time since my lovely last post. Cause, you know, no, maybe you dont know, that I was focusing on my study *eaa* and just left this pathetic blog away..


I am currently under a freaking long holiday *confetti!!*

Which means, this pathetic blog is now, active again! *double confetti!* 

I know, I know you guys were waiting for my next post (GeEr Banget yah), but UNFORTUNATELY, this post won't be that important for you :(

Why Gian? Why? WHHYYY???? :::""((((

Well the answer is probably because this post is only to reassure this blog's rules and to inform you that Gian is active again in his blog. so I warn you not to be very concentrating while reading this shit...

So, to make this short, I'll just say that, as from the beginning of this blog, "all of the contents in this blog are associated to writer's (which is me of course) opinion and feelings. None of them is made to hurt someone's feelings and life and whatever-_-..."

RULE NUMBAH 1 : Do not drink banana milk while reading this blog

Just, just don't, please....

RULE NUMBAH 2 : Copying content is not allowed.

unless if you have confirmation from Gian or his mother.

RULE NUMBAH 3 : Enjoy!

Have fun reading my blog! :D

RULE NUMBAH 4 : If you don't enjoy or you hate this blog, please, still follow rule numbah 1

Because whatever the case is, DO NOT break rule numbah 1.

Well, I'm sure that's all for this new post, have a nice day and remember not to play football with your hands even when a fireman told you to do so...