This blog is suitable for all ages.
Hey, hey, hey there!
This is my first article on my first blog. For my first write, I just wanna share about myself. Enjoy!
Name : Gianidico Abdillah
Nickname : Gian (it spells "gîëñ"....not giant!)
Age : 12 years.....not really old, right?
Pet : a Cat named "Omni", 5 fish named Blackback, Barba, FishCo, Arna, and Joy
Hobby : play with my cat, riding bicycle, and others that I don't mention...
Country : I almost forgot, I live in Indonesia, my lovely country.....
And, yeah, about my favorite,
Food : all as long it is healthy.... :) I also love fruit and salads too...
Music : I really keen on guitar, but, also others like pop, ballad, rock....I love dance....
Football club : never say other.....MU!
Colour : white and purple, it's classic but cool...